Restoring Restoration Room
We're quietly celebrating Restoration Room's one year anniversary this month by restoring one of the main room's arches, and also busting through a wall to access the beautiful outdoor courtyard that is s-l-o-w-l-y being revamped too. Lots of dust and dirt, shifts and changes. Plenty of patience and TONS of LOVE is going into the restoration of Restoration Room- just like life...
Time, time, time
You want more time, and you think you don’t have enough time (ME TOO!) and this can become very apparent when it comes to exercise. Maybe you put exercise on the backburner because you feel you don’t have enough time to do it. Or maybe you feel like you don’t have enough time to wait and see results, like too much time has gone by already.
Making Muscle in Menopause
It’s hard to make muscle, especially as you age and going through the stages of menopause. Women in menopause and beyond can develop sarcopenia (muscle wasting) earlier than men because many women have less muscles than men to begin with. And the truth is, we are not small men. So let’s talk about muscle in this blog.
What Does Strength Mean to You?
Could you imagine life not being able to lift 10 pounds??? It's startling and yet also clear that this could happen for some of us. So, to ask yourself the question "what does strength mean to me?" is VERY relevant as you age. Have you thought about this? What does strength mean to you?
What Do You Want as You Age Well?
What Do You Want as You Age Well? You make the choices for you!
Feeling in Sync
Entrainment is the science where separate systems come into a coherent rhythm with each other… in sync. You see this in nature with the beautiful magic of a dolphin pod, or the flow of a flock of birds. Sound Healing is a way to help yourself fall into entrainment to find calm, peace and ease in your busy mind
Something Light & Fluffy
Ever feel disassembled? YEP. Me too. So, how can you reconnect with your authentic self and re-assemble? Healing Rituals are one way.
Why Did the Orange Stop?
Adding joy to the day of a Critical Care Nurse seems like it might remain at the bottom of our ‘to do’ list, and oh so difficult to see through all the pain. And yet, there are moments that fill your heart with the love and compassion needed to move forward.
Muscle in MidLife
What does making muscle as a midlife woman mean to you? We need muscle to perform all kinds of tasks – even standing up from the couch requires muscle. Muscle is a basic need to our everyday lives and function.
Muscle means life. Especially muscle as a midlife woman! We need muscle to live ordinary, simple daily life. Strong life. Independent life.
Rhythms for Healing
The second I heard the drum, I felt it's resonance deep into my soul, like I had been yearning for it my entire life. Have you had that experience?
What are Your Boundaries?
Sometimes it takes a loooong time before you realize you want to, need to, MUST do what is best for yourself, and establish boundaries.
You have it in yourself to do what is best for you.
In todays blog, Nurse Jill shares a small snippet of her journey to realizing her limitations and recognizing her boundaries.
Let Go of What Was
No one was talking about burnout, compassion fatigue and exhaustion over ten years ago. No one. So, I kept on, trying to hide all the classic symptoms of burnout. Until it all came crashing down.
How Nurses get Better Sleep
Aaaah, a blog from Nurses about how Nurses can get better sleep! YES! Sign me up for better rest and recovery.
Restoration Room Logo Reveal
This blog is all about Restoration Room’s logo reveal! It’s an exciting thing, creating a logo that speaks to the energy and vibe of your business. I’ll tell you about the journey of our logo and what it means.
Expressing Gratitude
I recall my own journey to expressing gratitude. I started my own gratitude lists years ago, and at first, I found it difficult to think of things I was grateful for. So, I wrote stuff like, I’m grateful for the sky. I’m grateful for the apple I ate at lunch. I’m thankful for the garbage man who picks up my stinky trash every Friday.
What am I Hoping For?
When is the last time you asked yourself, ‘what am I hoping for?’ Hope. Hope never denies your emotions of anger, grief, anxiety, fear or sadness, instead, hope allows you to direct your feelings, thoughts and actions to more focused possibilities.
Setting Boundaries
Not setting boundaries is so exhausting. I know first hand, because I never set boundaries either. I put everyone and everything before my own needs. And it resulted in me burning out, big time! Not setting boundaries comes at such a great cost.
Burnout is Not Your Fault
Banishing burnout begins from within and extends into the systems we work in. When we show systems how to treat us, because we care for ourselves, we shift systems to wellbeing with us and for us. Restoration Room, Tucson, AZ.