Private Sound Sessions

Sound is a form of energy that travels in waves and connects with your body through vibration.

When you’re feeling stressed or unwell, or have experienced unsettling things in your past, your natural rhythmic energies can become irregular or chaotic.

The power of using sound and vibration as a means to healing yourself lies in entrainment and resonance.

Entrainment encourages your natural rhythms back into alignment, promoting relaxation, sleep, focus, harmony or other desired states.

Entrainment synchronizes a faster rhythm to a slower rhythm. Our bodies have many natural rhythms like, heartbeats, respiratory rates, and brain waves. Entrainment helps all systems regulate and even slow, to more regular and smooth waves.

Objects naturally vibrate at certain frequencies, this is known as resonance. If another object with a similar frequency approaches, the first object will begin to vibrate in response. Specific tones in sound healing encourages the body's cells to vibrate at their optimal frequencies.

Benefits You’ll Experience When Incorporating Sound into Your Life:

“I felt a deeper connection to something greater than myself during a sound healing session with Nicole. I highly recommend doing this special thing for yourself!” ~Gwen

Click to Book a private Sound session with our Sound Practitioner Nicole Vienneau.

You might also consider a Group Sound Healing Session. Check out our Events page to find the next one.

Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC

Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC is a recovering burned-out ICU Nurse.  She’s been practicing, learning, and teaching holistic wellbeing strategies for years, and knows they work as she’s found peace in her work and her life.  Through her commitment to healing herself, Nicole has shifted from a crappy attitude to gratitude, and she’s set boundaries that bring her joy, confidence and ease, no matter what the environment.

Nicole is founder Restoration Room and is devoted to restoring mid-life women and healthcare worker wellbeing by creating positive energy and personal power through holistic modalities. 

She’s an author, podcast host of the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!, holds a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching and combines 20+ years of Nursing with 30+ years of fitness, health coaching and energy work and sound healing to partner with women and healthcare systems who want women to THRIVE!

Click here to Email Nicole.