Restoring Restoration Room
We've been movin' and groovin' with restoring the Restoration Room... ...get it? LOL!
Over the years, this 1978 home has been altered from a residential home, to commercial, to apartments, to apartments and commercial, and recently back to commercial. As you can imagine, this house has witnessed many renditions as time has gone by. And now, it witnesses all the magical healing, events, conversations, joy, music, dancing, laughter, learning, art, connections and more, as we dream and grow together.
We're quietly celebrating Restoration Room's one year anniversary this month by restoring one of the main room's arches, and also busting through a wall to access the beautiful outdoor courtyard that is s-l-o-w-l-y being revamped too.
Lots of dust and dirt, shifts and changes. Plenty of patience and TONS of LOVE is going into the restoration of Restoration Room- just like life...