Integrative Reiki
Reiki is a calming, restorative energy therapy.
Integrative Reiki combines traditional Reiki with other holistic modalities in a personalized, thoughtful way.
We’re all made up of energy, and everything you see and feel around you is energy!
Reiki is a complementary therapy that uses hands hovering lightly above the body, to guide energy to promote your own healing abilities.
The word Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words: “rei,” which means “God’s wisdom” or “the higher power” and “ki,” which means “life force energy”, although there is no alignment with a particular religion.
Reiki Benefits You by:
Helps to manage stress
Promotes natural healing
Deepens spiritual connection
Eases anxiety and depression
Creates a deeper sense of wellbeing
How a session works:
You’ll begin the session with a consultation to discuss your needs, hopes and desires. This time is used for co-creating your session so
it’s personalized and connected to what you’d like to explore and gain from this important time together.Your session may include sound healing with singing bowls and/or drums, mindfulness and/or meditation, positive affirmations and coaching. You get to decide!
Sessions may end with a post discussion and connection to debrief what you’ve experienced and to gain an understanding of your healing process. Again, you get to decide how much, or how little you’d like to share.
The sessions are co-created, meaning you have a say in the process and what modalities you’d like to incorporate into your session.
Have a question? Email Nicole at nicole@restorationroom.org
“I wanted to try reiki because my extreme depression was detrimental to my daily functioning. Restoration Room is beautiful and welcoming. Nicole sits with you to explain what to expect, and to ask about your expectations. I went there fully trusting of her, and I think that was the best thing for me because I usually don’t allow people to be so close.
Nicole told me she would be touching my feet in order to ground me. I felt a tingling sensation around my ankles, and it felt like she was still touching them even after she’d moved on from there. I felt grounded for the first time in years, and even now when I’m having an anxiety attack, I think about that, and imagine my feet planted firmly on the ground. I still feel the sensation.
After the session, I felt not only grounded, but euphoric, and sort of like I regained my inner strength. That’s a feeling that hasn’t left me, and it honestly helped me more than any anti-depressant ever could. I’m not sure why, but it worked for me, and I felt as if all the things blocking me had been removed.
I’m so grateful that Nicole shared her healing energy with me. It’s peaceful and loving, and maybe the only thing that’s made me feel whole in a really long time.
~Melissa, writer and editor
Book an Integrative Reiki session with our Integrative Reiki Practitioner Nicole Vienneau here, or click the button below!
FAQs about Energy Work
How does it work?
A practitioner uses their hands to channel healing energy to your body, either through light touch or from a distance. It’s interesting, because the energy knows where to go in your body. The practitioner may also link with a higher power, such as "Universal" or Divine energy, to connect more fully to the mind, body, and spirit.
The Reiki practitioner is not the energy, they are a conduit that helps healing energy connect to where you need it.
Do you need to be spiritual?
No, you don't need to be spiritual or hypersensitive to energy to benefit from energy healing. Some say that energy connection is available to everyone because all living beings have an energetic body that needs care. And, we are all energy.
What can you expect?
Before a session, you can prepare yourself mentally by relaxing, being open-minded, and setting intentions for what you want to achieve. You can keep your intentions private or share them with your practitioner.
Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC
Nicole is a former ICU nurse turned holistic wellbeing advocate, with 25+ years in nursing and 30 years in fitness and health coaching.
A retired Reebok-sponsored athlete and national presenter, Nicole is the founder of Tucson’s Restoration Room, where she empowers mid-life women to reclaim their joy, confidence, and ease through holistic menopause and lifestyle strategies.
Her personal journey from burnout to peace fuels her integrative approach, blending integrative health coaching, fitness, Reiki, and sound healing. Nicole is also an author, speaker, and host of the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast.