Yoga is Therapy: Integrating Evidence Based Practices in Your Treatment
9 hours @ $160.00 with Jaimie Perkunas, DPT, C-IAYT
Broaden the lens of health care assessment & treatment to observe and treat the whole patient.
7:30 - 8:00 Sign in - Intros
8:00- 9:30 Lecture - Yoga Philosophy
9:30 - 10:00 Small Group Discussion
10:00 - 12:00 Lecture/Experience - Breathwork/Vagus Nerve/Mindfulness
12-1 LUNCH
1 - 2 Experiential: Intro to Yoga Nidra & Meditation
2 - 3:30 Experiential: Postures, Poses, & Pain - Common Conditions
3:30 - 4:30 Case Studies
4:30 - 5 Practice techniques
5pm Evals/Dismissal
Jaimie Perkunas DPT, C-IAYT
Empowers her clients to take the lead in their own healing journey. Rather than focusing solely on areas of discomfort, she assesses the whole body and educates clients on interventional pain management with yoga therapy techniques including body awareness, stress management, and breathwork. Clients leave with a personal understanding of their bodies and valuable insights to cultivate health and wellness inspiring healing, empowerment and growth.